Photo courtesy P. Chiodero,

Consorzio Valdobbiadene

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The Stairway of Santa Augusta monumental staircase, crowned by arches and a statue of Santa Augusta

We can easily add days to our fixed itineraries or organize a custom crafted experience.


Within Veneto, or just beyond, there are destinations to explore beyond our organized tours. We are happy to introduce you to places like Lake Garda, Ferrara, Ravenna and Mantua.

If your interest has a more specific focus such as art, food, wine or sustainable agriculture, we can provide you with the best possible itinerary.

Historic center of Ferrara, with the brick Estense Castel in the bakground

Ferrara, City of the Renaissance

In their search for the most livable city environment, Renaissance architects created in Ferrara the best example of urban planning of their time. In this period, Ferrara grew into an intellectual and artistic center that attracted the greatest minds of the late Italian Renaissance. Here, renowned artists of the time decorated the Castello Estense, the palace of the powerful Este family.

Mosaic of 4 robed figures found in the Basilica of San Apollinaire in Ravenna

Ravenna, a paradise for mosaic lovers

Between 408 and 520 Ravenna was the Capital of the Western Roman Empire and then an important center of the Byzantine Empire. For these reasons its churches display a crossover between Roman and Byzantine art. The most important artifacts are the stunning mosaics that cover the apse of churches like the Basilica of San Apollinaire in Classe

Long, ornate hallway of the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua

Mantua, a Medieval Beauty

Mantua is geographically unique in that it is surrounded on three sides by artificial lakes. Created in the 12th century as part of its defense system, they have constrained the city’s expansion. Thus, it has retained its Medieval proportions. Nevertheless, Mantua is much more than that. The Gonzaga family dominated the city for centuries and left an incredible artistic footprint. Their 500-room Palazzo is, as a residence, second only to the Vatican in size.

Are your interests more “down to earth”?

If you are passionate about food and wine, Veneto is your place. As in all of Italy, Veneto has some incredible dishes that originated with farmers and peasants centuries ago. We will take you to where the foods and wines are produced and to the markets where they are sold.

Your opportunities for discovery are endless.

Develop a relationship with your hosts unlike any you have experienced. Whatever your reason for searching for a more tailored tour, you can trust us to provide the most thorough itinerary and the safest environment. You are in good hands from the moment we greet you until we bid “Arrivederci!”

Contact us via e-mail or by phone and give us your dates, the size of your group and your preferred activities. In just a few days we can provide you with a proposed itinerary so we can start detailing your ‘Trip of a Lifetime”.