Carnevale in Castelfranco Veneto

Carney, Carnival, Carnevale – what’s in a name?

A native of the USA, and never having studied Latin, I knew what the first two terms meant but never thought about their derivation.  They come from the words – carne – Latin for “meat”, and levare – “removal of”.  Carnevale, the Italian festival preceding the Christian period of Lent (where abstinence from meat is often practiced), is a days-long celebration characterized by dress-up and partying.

Costumes galore on the confetti-strewn Castelfranco street

Brightly costumed children on a carousel in Castelfranco’s Carnevale celebration.  See Carnevale if you travel with Palladio Tours in April.
Carnevale in Castelfranco Veneto has everyone in costume. These young bees and bugs can be seen on a Palladio Tours spring itineraries.

We were able to observe Carnevale recently in Castelfranco Veneto with our good friend and bilingual Italian tour guide Rita. Not only was there an elaborate set of rides set up for the youngsters, but we enjoyed seeing young and old decked out in costumes. We found ourselves somewhere in the middle, snapping photos all around.

The young revelers climbed on the rides early while the older ones partied late into the night. While proud grandmothers showed off their little bees and bugs and tigers on Castelfranco’s confetti-strewn cobblestone streets:

Carnevale in Veneto gives our tours a way to see a Venetian tradition.  A tiger-costumed infant is admired by his grandmother and a tourist.
Carnevale in Castelfranco V. is advertised with brightly colored posters and held in Piazza Giorgione, after its native Renaissance artist.

It is four days of revelry, with traditions as hometown as any American Midwest Fourth of July. Including, in 2020, before the pandemic shut everything down, an appearance of the third runner-up in the Miss Italy 2019 (but the winner of Miss Smile 2019) competition. That’s about as cornball hometown as it gets!

The amusement park rides operated every day from 2:00 until 7:00.

On Saturday there is a parade of dozens of allegorical floats.

One of the colorful floats in the Castelfranco Veneto Carnevale parade.  Mythical and allegorical creatures are featured in this procession.

On Shrove Tuesday, the final day before Lent, where tradition dictates that pancakes be served, there is a“Best Pancake Contest” among the local bakeries.


Italians and their kindness to strangers


Bigoli in Alici Sauce